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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Engagement-Hasna (28.01.12)


Solemnization-Yana (21.01.12)

Makeup Test- Irahayatun (23.01.12)

Engagement- Nurul Jannah (23.01.12)

Engagement- Zam (23.01.12)

Reception- Ayu (20.11.11)

notakaki: mekap bridesmaid sekali. hehe

Reception- Ani (14.10.11)

Engagement-Wana (02.09.11)

Engagement- Ima (02.09.11)

Engagement- Sue (01.09.11)

Welcome To Our Miracle Touch


Alhamdulillah, dengan blog ini  kami akan berkongsi tips-tips solekan, review barang-barang solekan asas, tutorial solekan dan hasil-hasil solekan daripada kami. Kami  menyediakan perkhidmatan solekan pengantin, tunang, photoshoot dan event. Stay with us.